Winnie & her Shiba “Toshi”

We knew we would face a lot of challenges in training our puppy when we decided to have a Shiba Inu. It is not the easiest breed to train after all. After Toshi had all his necessary shots at four and a half months old, we brought him to Don and we never look back. Don is a remarkable trainer. He customizes his training to our concerns and specific to Toshi’s behaviour . Right from the get-go, Toshi already complied with Don’s instructions at the first class. Throughout the basic obedience training class, we learned basic commands so that we’re able to interact with Toshi in positive ways. Within a very short time, he no longer displayed undesirable behaviours such as chewing the furniture or going upstairs (we decided it is off-limit to him). Besides the obedience training, Toshi has been going to the social class. He has come a long way in terms of interacting properly with other dogs of different breeds and age. Toshi is at the intermediate obedience training class now. He looks forward to every class and so do we. Don is not just a great trainer, he also provides great resources when it comes to grooming and taking care of Toshi. Going to T.K. Canine Training Centre is one of our best decisions we’ve ever made for Toshi. We recommend Don to every owner who wants to have nothing but the best training for their pets.