大家好! 我是一隻迷你史納莎狗,我五個月大就從美國來到溫哥華,我是新移民,我第一個媽媽是一個女孩子,她每天都要去上學,家裡只有我一個,媽媽不懂怎樣教導我,又沒有帶我去上課,所以我很頑皮,有很多壞習慣,例如在家隨處大小便,由其當我發脾氣的時候,我故意周圍瀨,激死我媽媽,後來她忍無可忍將我轉讓給別人,於是9個月大的時候,我又去到另一個新家庭,剛去到的時候,我真的有點兒害怕,不知道她們會不會對我好,又會不會像之前那個媽媽一樣,很快便遺棄我。 我的第二個媽媽是個更年青的女孩子,我又像之前一樣欺負她,把所有壞習慣都帶到新家去,照樣橫行,把這個新媽媽弄得欲哭無淚,而唯一不同的是她有帶我去一位老師那裡上課,希望我能變成一隻乖的小狗,可惜這位老師沒有教好我,可能叫教不適合,或缺乏經驗,上完一個課程後,我依然故我,無任何改變。後來,我外婆的朋友將我介紹到TK犬隻訓練中心, 她們的小狗也是在那裡做訓練的。於是,我就來到這接受訓練,第一次見到導師—DON老師,我便有一種莫明奇妙的親切感,我很喜歡這位老師,也很尊重他,在這裡上了兩次課,行為上已經有了改善,媽媽也很開心,再不用為我而煩惱,我自己也很開心,因為媽媽再不會罵我,不再見到我便搖頭嘆息。 我現在真真正正可以成為家中的一份子,可以和媽媽一起過著快樂的日子,多謝我最尊敬的DON老師,如果你們家也有一隻像我這樣頑皮的小狗,請你快些帶來這裡接受DON老師的訓練啦!拜拜。

Hi Don, Ying Ying started her first obedience class just a few days after she arrived to our home. She was 3 months old back then, and we were excited to see that she quickly learned various commands such as 'sit' and 'down'. We were very pleased with her improvement after she completed the intermediate level obedience classes, where she learned to follow commands even when she is off leash. These classes were really helpful so that Ying Ying learns to follow our instructions, and she can play with other dogs in a fun and safe way. Ying Ying will soon begin her first agility class and we can't wait to see her tricks and moves!
Thanks, Alex Leung

I registered my chocolate lab, Luna, when she was 10.5 months old for basic obedience classes with Don. While I initially believed that training lessons were unecessary as a first time dog owner, I realized that Luna was becoming unmanageable during walks and she was misbehaving quite often both at home and when I took her out.
Thanks to Don's basic obedience classes and socialization classes, I learned how to properly train Luna. Most importantly, I learned how to walk Luna using a prong collar which helped her to socialize better with other humans and dogs during our walks, while also decreasing her amount of pulling on the leash.
Don's training lessons have really improved Luna's behavior overall. From a young puppy who would used to lunge, bark, and growl during walks, I can now enjoy long walks with her without having to worry about her being disruptive with both other dogs and humans, and she has learned to heel properly during walks as she is able to walk along side me the majority of the time. Her socialization skills and behavior have improved immensely and I would highly recommend Don as a dog trainer. Thank you Don for all of your work!
Sincerely, Laura and Luna
I want to thank Don for training my dog Happy. Happy is 2 years old now, but when he was a puppy, he was very naughty. Every time when I walk with him, he would bark and jump at people and other dogs. But with Don's training, Happy became very obedient and much calmer. He learned to socialize with other dogs in the social class in a calm and proper way, as well he learned to follow my commands in the obedience class. Now he is very friendly to my friends, neighbors and other dogs. A lot of my friends praise Happy as a wonderful dog with very good manner. Thanks again to Don and his training, he taught me all the good tips and skills to communicate with Happy. Now I am really happy to see the big change in Happy and enjoy even more to walk with him.


Before taking classes Puzzle was very nervous with people and even dogs sometimes. She would always bark at unfamiliar people. After taking classes, Puzzle’s improvement is fantastic. During social classes, she is able to let many people she doesn’t know pet her and she is also very good with other dogs now.
Before taking classes Mojo was very stubborn, but now with the obedience classes she is improving more and more. Mojo is wonderful with everybody! The social class helps her see more dogs and people.

"River has been training with Don since he was 12 weeks old. With Don's great guidance and support, we have seen improvements from River every week! River has learned proper social manners and is very well-behaved both indoor and outdoor. We have finished the basic obedience training and now working on the intermediate training. We look forward to the lesson every week as we learn many new things. Don is a very patient and experienced trainer and he thrives to provide support to meet individual's needs. River also attends the socialization class every Sunday, where he meets with his friends and learns social skills. I found the socialization classes very useful as River learns how to communicate with other dogs. We are very thankful to have found such a great dog trainer! Thank you so much Don!!!"

First, some background info: About eighteen years ago, when I got my first German Shepherd puppy, I tried Don's class after trying four other trainers. She was a tough puppy to train for a first-time owner. We eventually succeeded in training her (you can see a picture of her balancing a tennis ball on her nose on the mural at TK Canine Training Centre), but I knew I could do better with my next dog. In July 2017, my husband and I brought our then newly adopted 6.5-year-old and 7-month-old German Shepherds to training with Don because working with him had worked the first time - and yes, we got two dogs in the span of three months. We've completed all the courses at TK Training (beginner, intermediate, advanced, agility) to great success and our dogs are often complimented on their calm and obedient behaviour, even though it wasn't like that at the beginning.

Dear Don Since you began training Toby as a puppy he has truly become a fine young gentleman and everyone comments on his good behavior and discipline. You definitely are the Canadian "Dog Whisperer". I know we will be learning from your guidance and expert advice for many years to come and we thank you very much.
Carol and Toby

Thank you Don Chan! Your calm and charismatic demeanor helped me to be patient throughout the process. This training is a process. They don't give the dog a magic potion. However, with an outstanding owner like Don leading the pack, everyone is at ease. He taught my puppy Charlie to be a better and more respectful dog. More importantly, Don helped me be a better dog owner. This training is equally important for the owner as it is for the dog. The training establishes a mutually- respecting relationship between the dog and the owner. I highly recommend this training program for any dog. Make your life easier and make your dog happier.

Our Taichi started his training at TK since he is 6 months old. From mastering the down command to heeling during walks, from the Inappropriate interaction with people to have a good solialization skills... Don progresses the training at Taichi's pace and takes time to impart the lessons so that Taichi really does learn. We will continue to come to Don's class and would like to recommend this school to you too!

Don is a professional and experienced dog trainer. He told me many dog-related information and taught me many technique to correct my dog's bad behavior. His class is very interactive that my dog and I are love to attend.
Alice Liu & Carrie Liu 8/11/2011

A lot of people thinking training lessons isn’t necessary for a dog, as a dog owner for more than 20 years, I found out a training lessons is very important to a dog. Kevin and I bought Simba since he was 4 months old from an experience breeder, the breeder mentioned to us this breed of dog need a good obedience class as they are quite bully and aggressive and need proper training to correct him. We found TK Canine Training Center and we have put Simba to all level of obedience classes, Don not only corrected his bad behavior, he also corrected our way of training Simba as well. It’s absolutely an invaluable class and you will never regret sending your dog there. Beside obedience class, socialization class is also an important training to Simba, as he is now so friendly to other dogs and dog owners. We have also sent Simba to Agility class which brings him the Best Agility Champion of 2013. Thanks Don for all the training he provided us, we are so proud to have Simba as one of our family member.
Amanda & Kevin

My name is Muiju, and I am seven months old right now. I began my first obedient class at TK Canine Training Centre when I was only two months old. Why did my mommy brought me here? It was because of my bad habits. I was peeing around the house and chewing everythings. AIso, even thought I was only few months old, my strength is beyond what my mommy can control. I had accidently hurts my mommy because of that. I did not understand what is proper behaviors. I just do whatever I felt so. Thanks to Don Chan, I learnt how to behave properly and social with other dogs. Now, whenever I go out, people praise my behavior and love to pet me. Thank you to TK Canine Training Centre.