Rosie & her Poodle “ZaiZai”

Dear Don,
I would like to thank you for training Zaizai.
Before training at TK Canine Training Center, Zaizai was lack of confidence and very shy with people and dogs. After taking weekly obedience class and socialization class, I can see his improvement every week. He enjoys attending class every time and learns how to communicate with others. Now Zaizai has more and more self-confidence by taking the agility class. Thank you so much Don for helping Zaizai build up his confidence. Your customized training technique really works. Not only Zaizai has improvement,I improve the ability to control and to communicate. Now I believe there is a better and stronger bond between me and Zaizai and we are happier than ever before. Looking forward to learn more fun and interesting things from your class. So lucky to have you as our trainer! span>